Are you providing a safe and healthy work environment for your employees both at home and in the workplace?

Are your employees trained in optimal ergonomic workstation set up?

Are hazards and preventative strategies for office based musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) and manual handling injuries understood in your workplace?

Ergoeffect will assist you to answer “YES” to these questions.

Under the current Work, Health & Safety legislation employers are required to provide workers with the information, instruction, training and facilities/equipment needed for them to work safely and without risks to their health.

Research shows that 85% of employees reported pain/discomfort in the past twelve months from computer related activity and 67% did not adjust their chair or mouse position during the day*.

Ergoeffect will conduct an analysis of your employees’ workstations and work practices and provide education and training in ergonomics and manual handling to assist workers in performing to the best of their abilities.

key benefits

  • Elimination of unnecessary workers compensation claims and reduced premiums
  • Reduced absenteeism, improved morale and job satisfaction
  • Improved ability to return a worker to the workplace in the event of an injury
  • Improved productivity and efficiency
  • Improved communication between employees and management
  • Culture of care and support in the workplace

Please contact James at Ergoeffect on 0401 359 336 or complete the enquiry form on the contact us page to schedule a no obligation appointment and create a safe, healthy and productive environment for your employees.